“If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”
- Mother Teresa


The birth of Divine Charitable Trust. In 1993  Mr. Y. Vincent Reddy was fortunate in getting a invitation to  attend  a  convention at Chennai, in which Mother Theresa was a participant. An air of sanctity filled the venue as the Mother stood to give  her message at the convention. She said, “Whatever you do the poorest of poor, is what you do to God.” These words got into his heart with great impact. The insight that he experienced was this: serving the deprived ones is the
best way to fulfill the will of God on earth.

A struggle ensued within himself for considerable period of time. The spark that the Mother blew into his heart through her words refused to be put out, and turned into a flame within a few months. This flame kept on asking him as to how he intendes to fulfill his responsibility towards the neighbours, especially the ones suffering from deprivation
in the society.

His conscience dictated to him that it was unfair to work and live only for the sake of his own family, while so many others lived around him in poverty and distress.This thought helped him to take decisions quickly. He gave up his regular job to start a service –providing business by employing a few youngsters.The major portion of the profit from the business went into the aid of destitute homes. Then came the vision of Divine Charitable Trust. In 2005 DCT came into the being as
a tribute to the Mother.

The  support and assistance that forth came and their portion of profit from business created the right atmosphere for DCT to grow, by undertaking comprehensive programmes for the benefit of the poorest sections of the rural populace in and around the village Narimetta (Wargangal District) where DCT has established. Seva Sadan Boys Home for destitute and orphan children and the Seva Sadan Home for the Aged.

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Home for the Orphan Children
Monthly Ration for Widows
Home for the Aged
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Feed the Hungry Children
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Divine Charitable Trust is a voluntary and non-profit Organization committe
visit website: divinecharitabletrust.in

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